ProjectsDAD- The Danish Abstract Anaphora. EuroTermBank - Collection of Pan-European Terminology Resources through Cooperation of Terminology Institutions. The project ends 31 December 2006 LEXADV Danish, Norwegian and Swedish adverbs. MELFO Mobile e-Learning for dyslexics. MULINCO MUltiLINgual Corpus of the University of COpenhagen. NNO Nordisk Netordbog. PaTrans Unification-based MT system for translating patents English => Danish SDMT and SDMT-SMV Statistical Dependency-based Machine Translation Validation Centre Written Language Resources Finished projectsCOLING96 International conference on Computational Linguistics, August 1996 DanDokCenter Danish Documentation Centre for Research Results of HLT. Datalingvistisk Netværk DefSum Tool for summerization of Danish texts DIALOG PC-based system for spoken Danish dialog conc. flight reservations EAGLES Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Systems ELISE European Language & International Strategy Development in SMEs ELRA European Language Resources Association Enabler European National Activities for Basic Language Resources. The project ended 31 August 2003. EUROMAP Human Language Technologies Opportunity Promotion in Europe Grammatikprojekt. The project ended 31 December 2003. IATE - Services for the Development of an Interactive Terminology Database System. IDANNA - IDentification and ANonymisation of NAmes. The project ended spring 2005. Infost - Information structure in the Danish language. The project ended March 2006. LCC Language Consulting Centre LINDA Linguistic Specifications for Danish LS-GRAM Large-Scale Grammars
for EC Languages MECKA Methodologies for
Constructing Knowledge Bases for Natural Language Processing
Systems MIDAS - MLIS MultiLingual Information Society MOSES MOdular and Scalable Environment for the Semantic WEB. The project ended 28 February 2005. MUMIN MUltiModal INterfaces. The project ended 31 December 2004. NEMLAR A Network for Euro-Mediterranean LAnguage Resource and human language technology development and support - on Arabic language resources NLTNet A network of five universities and five industry associations in five Nordic countries whose purpose is to organise a workshop Nomen Nescio. The project ended 31 December 2003. NorDokNet Nordic network of documentation centres for language technology. The project ended 31 August 2005. NST - Nordisk Språkteknologi. Development of language tecnology tools for speech synthesis in danish. OntoQuery Ontology-based Querying. The project ended 1 August 2005. OTELO Open Translation Environment for Localisation. PAROLE Preparatory Action for Linguistic Resources Organisation for Language Engineering RELATOR European Network of Repositories for Linguistic Resources SCARRIE Scandinavian Proofreading Tools SIMPLE (Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica) SPINN Nordic Network on language technology and information retrieval. The project ended 31 December 2004. Staging The Staging of 3D worlds STO A large computational lexicon for Danish. (User interface) TEMAA Testbed Study of Evaluation Methodologies: Authoring Aids TransRouter Translation Router TQPro Translation Quality for Professionals UDOG Research into Danish vocabulary and grammar VID. Knowledge and document handling with language technology. The project ended 31 December 2004. |
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