The PaTrans System

The only commercial post-Eurotra MT system. It currently translates patent texts from English into Danish. The system uses the transfer method so that source and target languages are not strongly attached to one another. This makes it relatively easy to reuse analysis or synthesis modules for other language pairs, e.g. for changing the target language to German.

PaTrans is now running day and night translating for the Lingtech company which was formed by two major Danish patent agencies.

By using the system Lingtech saves around 50% of the translation costs, i.e. payment by hour to human translators.

The tailor-made PaTrans system produces a raw version of the translation. This means that human revisors will always check and possibly edit the text to obtain a final version.

CST contact

Claus Povlsen:

Other relevant documents

Automatic Post-editing in PaTrans
Semi-automatic Evaluation of PaTrans

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Emil Holms Kanal 2, building 22, 3, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Tlf: +45 35329090 - Fax: +45 35329089
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