ProjectsGeneral language technologyEUROMAP Surveying Language Engineering opportunities in Europe, April 2003 DanDokCenter Danish documentation centre for language technology May 2005 ELSNET 1-4 European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies 2005 ISLE International Standards for Language Engineering December 2002 Speech a limited Danish speech recognizer which enables physically handicapped persons to navigate on the internet Multistream Speech Recognition April 2003 Acoustic/phonetic modelling with Bayesian networks April 2003 Recognition of Names & Numbers April 2003 Odense online May 2003 Posh Perceived Quality of Services in Heterogeneous Networks 2006 Speech synthesisThe Danish Research Ministry's initiative on synthetic speech, with the participantion of CPK and IAAS April 2003 Adgangforalle Project about free Internet service 2006 Speech-based dialogue systemsTriaDis Trials on Distributed speech recognition for mobile network embedded voice-controlled services April 2003 Distributed spoken dialogue systems over the mobile network (DSD) 2003 DISC Spoken Language Dialogue Systems and Components 2001 EFS - Feasibility study on spoken language dialogue systems in Danish Vacation Money Expert - Commercial Danish Spoken language Dialogue Project 2002 DictionariesLEXADV Lexical description of adverbs for Danish, Norwegian and Swedish 2005 STO A large computational lexicon for Danish 2004 World knowledge in a lexicon - (Sub-project under OMNIS) Odense Valency Dictionary - A man and machine readable valency dictionary of Danish verbs NORDLIST A web-based dictionary of words and terms related to higher education institutions in the Nordic languages 2004 DanPO Danish Phonetic-Orthographic Dictionary 2005 TerminologyIATE Services for the Development of an Interactive Terminology Database System 2001 MEDVID Sharing of knowledge, dissemination and communication within the medical technical and health domain August 2006 GrammarsVISL-Centret Visual Interactive Syntax Learning 2006 Ph.d project A Formal lexical analysis of Danish adjunct adverbs 2004 VIA
Visuel Interaktiv Analyse. Computer based teaching tool for training
grammatical analysis (article about it) 1998 Danish Dependency Treebank Syntatic analysis in the Danish Dependency Treebank Parallel computational
grammars for Danish and Norwegian, co-ordinated by
Handelshøjskolen i København ParsingPaNoLa (Parsing Nordic Languages) NORFA-funded Nordic Constraint Grammar project, no project web site yet, but the Danish grammar is accessible 2004 TreebanksSummarizationScandsum Summarization December 2003 SemanticsNORDSEM - Comparative semantics for Nordic languages and English Knowledge representationOMNIS - Methods for the representation and use of world knowledge in natural language systems TermTyp - Principles and methods for constructing and encoding conceptual systems with the help of typed feature structures. (Sub-project under OMNIS) CAOS - Computer-Aided Ontology Structuring Machine translationPaTrans Unification-based MT system for translating English patents to Danish Portuguese - Danish VISL machine translation system 2006 Danish - Esperanto VISL machine translation system 2006 Information retrievalOntoQuery. Ontology-based Querying - content-based information retrieval, including an NP-recognizer July 2003 Discovery and use of associations An approach to database querying based on fuzzy evaluation of queries User profiling Automatically collect a user profile from the user's behaviour in the query-answering dialogue Query relaxation from taxonomies Dynamic fuzzy terms Application of dynamic fuzzy terms for accessing to databases VID Knowledge and document handling with language technologies 2004 Emdros Emdros - the database engine for analyzed or annotated text 2005 Multi modal systemsMulti Modal Systems 2003 DMM
Distributed Multimedia Technologies and Applications, (see under
Research projects) Staging The Staging of 3D worlds. Language in virtual worlds 2001 Natural and Multimodal Interactivity (NMI) DARPA Communicator Platforms and applications in spoken language and multimodal dialogue systems 2003 NITE Natural
Interactivity Tools Engineering. Development of a best practice
workbench for multi-level/cross-level annotation of natural
interactivity data 2003 Ph.d project: Integration of Stochastic Methods and Language Models in Multimodal Interaction. Ph.d-projekt: Rehabilitation of Dyslexics Using Language Technology and Multimodal Techniques User interfacesCHMI Centre for Human-Machine Interaction (see under Research projects) 2002 DEVISE Centre for Experimental System Development 2000 WorkSPACE Distributed Work support through component based SPAtial Computing Environments (see under Research projects) 2005 Today's Stories Wearables and video story editing by/for small school children 2000 VICO Virtual Intelligent CO-driver 2004 DIWA Design and use of Interactive Web Applications 2003 Educational programsVISL Games VISL offers a wide range of grammar teaching tools used at Danish Universities and schools 2006 Interactive Grammar teaching with visual trees 2006 Copenhagen Tree Tracer Teaching tool for CFG and PATR based parsing SurveysAutomatic production
of data Assessment of automatic methods for metadata production. Validation of resourcesELRA's WLR Validation Centre Validation of written resource Networks |
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