Costanza Navarretta's Home Page

Foto af Costanza Navarretta

CV and Publications


I am a senior researcher/associate professor at the Centre for Language Technology, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen. I have been working in the following fields: methodologies for constructing knowledge bases for NLP and information extraction, grammar formalism and implementation (HSPG), computational lexicography, evaluation of NLP resources, corpus linguistics. My main research is in intersentential pronominal anaphora, multimodal communication and annotation of multimodal corpora.

Projects (current):

Projects (past):


Courses which I am teaching with colleagues at University of Copenhagen with colleagues:

Programming and language technology for students of Humanities (BA elective IT and Language), Cognitive Science 2 (Msc IT and Cognition).

I supervise free topic projects, Academic Internship projects and master thesis in NLP and computational cognitive science.

Costanza Navarretta
Center for Sprogteknologi,
Njalsgade 140-142, Build. 25
DK-2300 Copenhagen S,
costanza @  (remove the blanks to get the correct email)

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