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34th Colloquium of Linguistics - 2nd Call for Papers

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         |                                            |
         |       34th COLLOQUIUM OF LINGUISTICS       |
         |                                            |
         |        34. LINGUISTISCHES KOLLOQUIUM       |
         |                                            |
         |         34e COLLOQUE LINGUISTIQUE          |
         |                                            |
         |            September 7-10, 1999            |
         |                                            |
         |        University of Mainz, Germany        | 
         |                                            |
         |           SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS           |

         |                                            |
         |                                            |
         |   Additional Tutorial - Sydney M. Lamb:    |
         |   "The Neurocognitive Basis of Language"   |
         |                                            |
         |   Travel Support for Scientists from       |
         |   Eastern Europe                           |

We cordially invite you to participate in the 34th Colloquium 
of Linguistics which will take place at the Johannes Gutenberg-
Universitaet Mainz, Faculty of Applied Linguistics and Cultural 
Studies in Germersheim, from September 7 to September 10, 1999. 
The motto of this year's conference will be "Linguistics on the 
Way into the New Millennium". Continuing the tradition of the 
colloquium, there will be no restrictions regarding the choice 
of topics. The conference languages are English, German, and 
French. Presentations should not exceed 30 minutes which includes 
10 minutes of discussion. The deadline for abstracts is May 31, 
1999. A volume of abstracts will be available at the conference. 
The proceedings with the full papers will be published after the 
conference with Peter Lang-Verlag.

In a break with tradition, this year's conference program will 
be supplemented by a number of tutorials. Each tutorial comprises 
three hours and is intended to give a concise introduction to a 
specific field for audiences with a different focus of research.

We are particularly happy to offer you a bus excursion to the
old city of Heidelberg with a guided tour through the castle
on Thursday, September 9. On the way, we will stop in Speyer, 
whose Cathedral (Kaiserdom) is part of the UNESCO's world 
cultural heritage.

Please do not hesitate to bring this announcement to the
attention of interested colleagues. More information can be
found on our website at http://www.fask.uni-mainz.de/lk/

Prof. Dr. Dieter Huber                    Dr. Reinhard Rapp


May 31, 1999    - Submission of abstracts 
                  (confirmation within two weeks)
                - Conference registration (reduced rate)
                - Registration for tutorials & excursion
                - Hotel reservation

Nov. 30, 1999   - Submission of full papers for the proceedings


               |  Morning    |   Afternoon  |    Evening
 Tue, Sept. 7  |  Tutorials  |   Tutorials  |  Germersheim
               |             |              |  Guided Tour
 Wed, Sept. 8  | Opening &   |     Papers   |   Reception 
               |   Papers    |              |  (Town Hall)
 Thu, Sept. 9  |   Papers    |   Excursion to Heidelberg
               |             |          and Speyer
 Fri, Sept. 10 |    Papers &    |         (Departure)
               | Conference End |

The presentations will be organized in parallel sections.


    Time     |            Tutorial            |  Language
 9.00-12.30  | Prof. Peter Hellwig: Natural   |  English
             | Language Parsing, Part 1       |
             |                                |
 9.00-12.30  | Christian Otto: Sprachtech-    |  German
             | nologie fuer das Internet      |
 14.00-17.30 | Prof. Peter Hellwig: Natural   |  English
             | Language Parsing, Part 2       |
             |                                |
 14.00-17.30 | Prof. Uta Seewald-Heeg:        |  German
             | Maschinelle Uebersetzung       |
             |                                |
 14.00-17.30 | Prof. Sydney M. Lamb: The Neu- |  English
             | rocognitive Basis of Language  |

The Tutorials take place during the first full day of the confe-
rence (Sept. 7, 1999). Therefore, the official opening is on the 
second day. For each tutorial, a description can be found at 


The Faculty of Applied Linguistics and Cultural Studies (FASK) 
of the University of Mainz is located in Germersheim in the south-
west of Germany on the Rhine between the cities of Mannheim and 
Karlsruhe. It can easily be reached by car, train, and airplane. 
With its 2500 students, more than 1000 of whom coming from 70 
different foreign countries, the faculty is known as one of the 
world's largest institutions dedicated to the training and edu-
cation of translators and interpreters. Within walking distance 
from the faculty, six hotels and the student's residence are 
available with single rooms priced between 30 and 90 DM per 
night. Meals are provided by the university canteen, the cafe-
teria, and by a number of restaurants (with lunch specials). 
The main attractions in and around Germersheim are its fortress, 
the German Wine Road, the Palatinate Forest with Hambach Castle,
Speyer, Heidelberg, the Castle Park in Schwetzingen and the 
Old Abbey in Maulbronn.

Dr. Susanne Beckmann, University of Muenster 
Dr. Abraham P. ten Cate, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 
Dr. Tadeusz Danilewicz, Gdansk University 
Prof. Dr. K. Dorfmueller-Karpusa, Univ. of Thessaloniki 
Dieter W. Halwachs, University of Graz 
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Kotin, State University Moscow 
Prof. Dr. Wim Klooster, University of Amsterdam 
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Kuerschner, University of Osnabrueck 
Dr. Reinhard Rapp, University of Mainz (Conference Chair) 
Prof. Dr. Hans Otto Spillmann, University of Kassel 
Prof. Dr. Kazimierz A. Sroka, Gdansk University 
Dr. Juerg Straessler, University of Bern 
Prof. Dr. Zygmunt Vetulani, University of Poznan 
Dr. Ingo Warnke, University of Kassel 
Prof. Dr. Richard J. Watts, University of Bern 
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Weber, University of Tuebingen 
Prof. Dr. Lew Zybatow, University of Bielefeld


The conference fee is 100 DM for early registration (120 DM after 
May 31, 1999). This sum includes the registration fee and will, 
among other things, cover pre-conference materials, tea and 
coffee, the guided tour through Germersheim on Tuesday and the 
reception on Wednesday. It will not, however, cover meals, 
accomodation, proceedings, the excursion to Heidelberg (30 DM), 
and the tutorials (20 DM per tutorial, written documentation 
included). Accepted currencies are DM and Euro (exchange rate: 
1 Euro = 2 DM).


Please find registration information on our website at


For a limited number of scientists from Eastern Europe - subject 
to confirmation from our sponsors - there will be partial travel 
support available. Several conditions and restrictions apply. The 
deadline for applications is May 31, 1999. Please send requests to 
the address given below.


Please send all correspondence to the following address:

34th Colloquium of Linguistics   http://www.fask.uni-mainz.de/lk/
c/o Dr. Reinhard Rapp            rapp@usun2.fask.uni-mainz.de
Universitaet Mainz, FASK         Phone:  (+49) 7274 / 508-457
D-76711 Germersheim              Fax:    (+49) 7274 / 508-429