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EAGLES II workshop

    A date for your diary: 

The second EAGLES II Workshop on Evaluation in Human Language
Technology will take place on 8-9th September 1998

This workshop will focus on "EAGLES and Current Evaluation Practices"

Recent years have seen recognition of the importance of evaluation in
human language technology as well as a growing awareness of the scope
and complexity of the task.

This workshop is aimed at drawing together the discussions of the
Brussels workshop of 1997, of the LREC conference in Granada in May
1998 and of the EAGLES electronic discussion list on evaluation and at
making the conclusions concrete in the form of a Handbook of Current
Evaluation Practices. In order to focus discussion, draft chapters of
the Handbook will be prepared before the workshop.  Those attending
the workshop will be asked to participate actively by commenting on
the drafts presented, providing feedback and supplementing the work
done with their own experience.

A final draft of the Handbook will be prepared in the two months after
the workshop, and will, it is hoped, serve as a reference document for
all of the human language technology evaluation community, as well as
providing a basis for further work.

The aim is ambitious, but if it succeeds everybody involved in
evaluation in human language technology stands to gain from it. To
succeed, we need the input of all those who have an active interest in
evaluation activities and in their development.  You are most warmly
invited to attend and to play your part in this consolidation

The exact location and programme of the workshop are still being
confirmed and will be made public as soon as possible.

To find out more about the past:

An account of the Brussels workshop can be found at

The authors responsible for collecting material for the Handbook
include Nigel Bevan (INUSE. ISO 9126 Technical Editor), Louis Des
Tombes (EAGLES, TEMAA), Steven Krauwer (EAGLES, ELSENET
Coordinator). Maghi King (EAGLES, RIOFIL, TEMAA), Bente Maegaard
(EAGLES, TEMAA), Sandra Manzi (EAGLES, TEMAA) and Nancy Underwood
(EAGLES. TEMAA). Previous contributors to EAGLES work are too numerous
to be listed here. Their names and contributions can be found in the
reports at the EAGLES web site.


Nancy Underwood
Center for Sprogteknologi