In the early days of digital humanities (DH), skills were generally acquired through community-provided resources: blog tutorials, summer institutes, THATCamps. In response to growing demands for support, institutions began offering DH instruction in the form of workshops and standalone classes taught by instructors split across academic departments, libraries, and digital humanities labs. We have now reached a point where that instruction is becoming more formalized, with rises in DH certificates, minors, and majors.
The increasing integration of DH into curricula has required us to think quickly and critically about who is responsible for teaching DH courses and what theories, methods, and software the classes should include. This talk will take up in more detail the who, what, and why of DH in the classroom, but it will also refocus our attention on the how. How are we teaching DH, and as importantly, how are we preparing graduate students, faculty, and staff to teach DH?
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