SProgteknologi og INformationssøgning i Norden
- et netværk om harmonisering og sammenkædning af sprogteknologiske ordbaser med særligt henblik på informationssøgning


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Kokkinakis, D. & Johansson Kokkinakis, S., 1997. A Robust och Modularized Lemmatizer/Tagger for Swedish Based on Large Lexical Resources. GU-ISS-97-1.

Kokkinakis, D., Toporowska Gronostaj, M., Warmenius, K., 2000. Annotating, Disambiguating & Automatically Extending the Coverage of the Swedish SIMPLE Lexicon i Proceedings of the 2nd Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) Athen, Hellas.

Lenci, A., F. Busa, N. Ruimy, E. Gola, M. Monachini, N. Calzolari, A. Zampolli, El. Guimier, G. Recourcé, L. Humphreys, U. Von Rekovsky, A. Ogonowski, C. McCauley, W. Peters, I. Peters, M. Villegas (2000). 'Specifications', SIMPLE Work, Linguistic Deliverable D2.1, Pisa.

Lenci, A., N. Bel, F. Busa, N. Calzolari, E. Gola, M. Monachini, A. Ogonowski, I. Peters, W. Peters, N. Ruimy, M. Villegas and A. Zampolli  (2000): 'SIMPLE: A General Framework for the Development of Multilingual Lexicons', in: International Journal of Lexicography, vol. 13, number 4, december 2000.

Offersgaard, L., P. Paggio & D. Haltrup (2000). 'The Linguistic Design in OntoQuery', foredrag ved OntoQueryseminar, Kolding.

Pedersen, B.S. & B. Keson (1999): 'SIMPLE - Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexicons: Some Examples of Danish Concrete Nouns' SIGLEX 1999, ACL-Workshop, Maryland, USA.

Pedersen, B.S & S. Nimb (2000). 'Semantic Encoding of Danish Verbs in SIMPLE - Adapting a verb-framed model to a satellite-framed language', in: Proceedings from 2nd Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC, Athens, Greece.

Pustejovsky, J. (1995). The Generative Lexicon, Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press.

Willners, C. (1997). 'Implementing WordNet for Swedish Adjectives', in: Working Papers 46.

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