Publication strategy

CST, January 2006


It is important that researchers publish internationally. Collaboration with international co-authors is encouraged. International journals and conferences with peer review are the main channels, as well as book contributions or books. To ensure the proper development of the scientific language also in Danish, scientific articles on language technology should also be written in Danish when relevant.

CST also has a Working Paper series, making it possible to publish extensive documentation for research results. This channel should also be used when relevant.


Many scientific journals are relevant as publication channels. Below we list a certain number of recommended journals, but other journals may be relevant. The list will be updated regularly.



Acta Linguistica Hafniensia

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic

Applied Artificial Intelligence

Applied Ontology

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Review

Computational Linguistics


Danske Studier

Data & Knowledge Engineering


International Journal of Lexicography

Journal of Applied Logic

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics

Journal of Cognitive Science

Journal of Corpus Linguistics

Journal of Language Resources and Evaluation

Journal of Linguistics

Journal of Logic, Language and Information

Journal of Pragmatics

Journal of Semantics

Le Journal, Journal of Record for Human Language Technology




Linguistics and Philosophy

Machine Translation

Natural Language Engineering

Natural Language Semantics

Nordic Journal of Linguistics

Nydanske Studier

Pattern Recognition

Pragmatics & Cognition

Research on Language and Computation

Studia Logica



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