MUMIN co-ordinator meeting


Mumin seems to be on budget, when most expenses from the workshop are paid. Kristiina Jokinen will made the slides from Slavko Milekic’ presentation available on the web, soon.

Future plans:

MUMIN-partners are involved in a proposal for an integrated project for submission to the 6th EU IST programme.

The Nordic continuation of the Symposium on Multimodal Communication is to be held in Copenhagen September 25-26. We are planning for an International workshop with around 20 half-hour presentations. Full papers, 4-6 pages, that will be properly reviewed by the MUMIN network partners. The MUMIN co-ordinators contact their respective partners and ask them to provide two reviewers each. The total number can be 22: eight from Denmark, six from Finland and eight from Sweden (assuming that NADA is a partner).

Suggested invited speakers are Justin Cassell and someone with a more human communication oriented focus.

People pay for their own travel.


Call for Papers February 28

Deadline April 30

Papers from reviewers due May 23

Notification June 2

Camera Ready July 31

Workshop September  25-26

Next MUMIN co-ordinator meeting will be in connection with  NoDaLiDa May 30-31