Mumin seems to be on budget, when most expenses from the workshop are paid. Kristiina Jokinen will made the slides from Slavko Milekic’ presentation available on the web, soon.
MUMIN-partners are involved in a proposal for an integrated project for submission to the 6th EU IST programme.
The Nordic continuation of the Symposium on Multimodal Communication is to be held in Copenhagen September 25-26. We are planning for an International workshop with around 20 half-hour presentations. Full papers, 4-6 pages, that will be properly reviewed by the MUMIN network partners. The MUMIN co-ordinators contact their respective partners and ask them to provide two reviewers each. The total number can be 22: eight from Denmark, six from Finland and eight from Sweden (assuming that NADA is a partner).
Suggested invited speakers are Justin Cassell and someone with a more human communication oriented focus.
People pay for their own travel.
Call for Papers February 28
Deadline April 30
Papers from reviewers due May 23
Notification June 2
Camera Ready July 31
Workshop September 25-26
Next MUMIN co-ordinator meeting will be in connection with NoDaLiDa May 30-31