CST's version of Brill's Tagger =============================== Highlights: ----------- (*) Source code is in Standard C and platform independent. (No need for libraries that only exist in *n?x.) (*) Improved handling of capital letters. (*) Modernized (but backwards compatible) arguments using option letters Handling of capital letters --------------------------- The program checks whether the majority of words in a line start with a capital letter. If that is the case, the assumption is that the line is a head-line. All words are lowercased. If the first word of a line starts with a capital letter, lexicon look-up is done for the word with capital letter and also for the lower-cased version of the word. Command line ------------ Type taggerXML -h Output: usage: taggerXML [options] [LEXICON] [CORPUS-TO-TAG] [BIGRAMS] [LEXICALRULEFILE] [CONTEXTUALRULEFILE] options: -@ -h help -? help -D -i -B -L -C -w -m -S start state tagger only -F final state tagger only -o output (optional, otherwise stdout) -r About redistribution (GNU) -W About warranty (GNU) -x path to file with extra options (deprecated) -f ConvertToLowerCaseIfFirstWord (default off) -a ConvertToLowerCaseIfMostWordsAreCapitalized (default off) -s ShowIfLowercaseConversionHelped (default off) -n Noun (default NN) -p Proper (default NNP) -v Verbose (default off) ============================ -X XML input. Leave XML elements unchanged. The next options do not allow space between option letters and argument! -Xa Only analyse elements with specified ancestor. e.g -Xap -Xs Segment (sentence) delimiter. Can be empty tag. e.g -Xsbr or -Xss -Xe Only analyse specified element. e.g -Xew -Xw Words are to be found in attribute. e.g -Xwword -Xt Words' pre-tagging to be found in attribute. e.g -Xtprepos -Xp Destination of POS is the specified attribute. e.g -Xppos xoptions -------- You can still use the original command line syntax of the Brill tagger. In the original command line syntax, an argument's role was dependent on the argument's position on the command line: tagger arg1 arg2 arg3 arg3 arg5 where: arg1: LEXICON arg2: CORPUS-TO-TAG arg3: BIGRAMS arg4: LEXICALRULEFILE arg5: CONTEXTUALRULEFILE Without changing the command line, extra options can be set in the file xoptions. (This is a CST-extension to the original Brill tagger.) The xoptions file is like this: ConvertToLowerCaseIfFirstWord = 1 ConvertToLowerCaseIfMostWordsAreCapitalized = 1 ShowIfLowercaseConversionHelped = 0 Language = danish (One of the LC_CTYPES accepted by setlocale(), e.g. "danish", "dutch", "english", "french", "german", "italian", "spanish") Noun = N Proper = EGEN Verbose = 0 Lines that start with a blank are ignored, so the fifth line is ignored. All other lines must have the following syntax: keyword = value or keyword = value comments Keywords are: ConvertToLowerCaseIfFirstWord ConvertToLowerCaseIfMostWordsAreCapitalized ShowIfLowercaseConversionHelped Language Noun Proper Verbose The use of old style arguments and the xoptions file is deprecated. All old style arguments and xoptions-options can also be passed to the tagger by using option letters followed by option values. See above. You can mix new style options and old style arguments and/or options. If the xoptions file mentions an option, that option's value overrules a new style option with the same role. For example, if the xoptions file says ConvertToLowerCaseIfFirstWord = 0 and there also is an option -f, the first word of a line is not converted to lower case. You can put as many options in a text file as you like and pass the path to the text file as the value of the -@ option. Each option is on a separate line, while blank lines and lines starting with a semicolon are igored. An example arg.txt: ;-v ; Lexicon -D /var/csttools/res/web/da/tagger/UTF8/FINAL.LEXICON ; input -i test-cbf-header-tok.xml ; bigramlist -B /var/csttools/res/web/da/tagger/UTF8/BIGBIGRAMLIST ; lexial rules -L /var/csttools/res/web/da/tagger/UTF8/LEXRULEOUTFILE ; contextual rules -C /var/csttools/res/web/da/tagger/UTF8/CONTEXT-RULEFILE ; default noun-tag -n N ; default proper noun-tag -p EGEN ; Convert To Lower Case If First Word ? -f ; Convert To Lower Case If Most Words Are Capitalized (headlines)? -a ;Show If Lowercase Conversion Helped ? ;-s ; Xa: ancestor hvori elementerne der skal tagges findes -XaspanGrp ; Xe: elementer der skal tagges -Xespan ; Xs: elementer der indikerer sætningsgrænser ; (fx


) ;-Xsbr ; Xp attributtet hvor outputtet skal parkeres ;-Xppos ;Xt attributtet hvor eksisterende PoS tags findes ;-Xtana ; Xw attributtet hvor ordet findes (hvis det ikke er PCDATA) ;-Xwword and call /var/csttools/bin/csttaggerXML -@ args.txt You can overrule options in arg.txt by putting more options on the command line after the -@ option: /var/csttools/bin/csttaggerXML -@ args.txt -i mytext -o mytext.tagged You have to be careful with the -X option: if it hasn't got an argument you are telling the tagger to let XML-tags be untouched, but to tag everything else. Now if you write: /var/csttools/bin/csttaggerXML -X FINAL.LEXICON input BIGBIGRAMLIST LEXRULEOUTFILE CONTEXT-RULEFILE the string 'FINAL.LEXICON' is interpreted as -X'es argument. To circumvent this unwanted side effect, you should write /var/csttools/bin/csttaggerXML -X -D FINAL.LEXICON input BIGBIGRAMLIST LEXRULEOUTFILE CONTEXT-RULEFILE If a new option comes after the X-option (-D in this exampel), this signals to the X-option that it has no argument. Bart Jongejan 20110908