IT and CognitionIT and Cognition is a multidisciplinary graduate programme based on the three different fields of psychology, computer science and computational linguistics. The purpose of the programme is to give graduate students an understanding of human cognitive abilities - the ability to communicate and to interact with our physical surroundings, with each other and with computers - and the technical knowledge necessary to take advantage of these abilities in the creation and use of innovative technological solutions. The students will be able to work with development and use of information technology in various professional contexts, such as media, finance, experience business and teaching. To be admitted to the programme, students must hold a BA degree in Computer Science or Psychology, or alternatively a BA degree from a Danish university or a university abroad comprising courses relevant to the programme in IT and Cognition for at least 30 ECTS. The programme's courses will preferably be taught in English. |
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Emil Holms Kanal 2, building 22, 3, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Tlf: +45 35329090 - Fax: +45 35329089 |