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HLT Developers and Suppliers in Denmark

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If your company or organisation is missing from this list please let us know

Ankiro Aps (search engines, knowledge sharing, dialogue robots)

konsulentfirmaet Bøje Larsen (grammar and style checker)

Center for Sprogteknologi  (Danish-English machine translation, support in the introduction of HLT tools)

DantermCentret  (term database, support in setting up term bases)

Institut for Erhvervsinformatik, Syddansk Universitet  (term database)

Max Manus A/S  (Danish speech recognition, dictation, solutions for hospitals/lawyers)

Mikro Værkstedet A/S   (educational programs: language learning, spelling, grammar, speech synthesis) 

Nordisk Språkteknologi A/S (Danish speech synthesis) 

TDC TeleDanmark  (Danish speech synthesis)

Textware A/S   (tools for electronic dictionaries and interfaces, e-publishing technologies, search engines)  (multi-media  educational programs, language learning, grammar exercises)

Yak-Yak  (educational programs: language learning, spelling, word finder, speech synthesis)

Other HLT suppliers

Dansk Sprognævn  (spelling dictionary on the internet)

Gad (dictionary)

Gyldendals Elektroniske Ordbøger (dictionaries)

Jysk Ordbog (dictionary on the internet)

L&H Elektroniske Ordbøger (dictionaries)

MS Consulting  (translation memory, term database, Danish-English-Danish dictionary)

Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck (dictionaries)

Orfeus butikken    (educational programs, dictionaries)

Politikens Forlag (dictionaries)

Speech-ware A/S  (Danish speech synthesis)

TextWare Direct (dictionaries)

Trados Scandinavia  (translation memory, term database)